
A Low Opinion of ‘High-Quality’ Call

* Re “Call for ‘High-Quality People’ Concerns Many on Balboa,” Feb. 15: Oh, dear. In the past my husband and I have often taken our two young daughters to the Balboa Peninsula for a day of fun. Therefore, I was quite distressed to hear that the city planners would like to limit Balboa visitors to “high-quality” people. Due to my common ways, I expect that we will no longer be welcome on the peninsula.

I like to drink beer out of the bottle and have been known to crack my gum. I enjoy “The Simpsons” and laughed out loud at that first Ace Ventura movie. If that isn’t bad enough, I am also a registered Democrat.

Luckily, there is still Los Angeles, where the seaside resorts are not yet closed to folks of indeterminate breeding and social status. Santa Monica, here we come.



