
In Praise of Supervisor Spitzer

* Re “Supervisor Wants Colleagues to Discipline County’s CEO,” Feb. 27:

While Supervisor Todd Spitzer does what he was elected to do, Supervisors Jim Silva, Charles V. Smith and Thomas W. Wilson, as well as Sheriff Brad Gates, sit on their hands and whine about their exposure as do-nothings.

Good job, Spitzer.



* Finally we have a man who has the integrity to challenge the board and the unfit and unqualified people who supervisors have chosen to run the county.

I could not believe that Spitzer received no support from the board in his attempt to be accountable to the citizens of Orange County.



Dove Canyon

* The Feb. 26 meeting of the supervisors showed that the people of Orange County have only one supervisor who looks out for their interests--Todd Spitzer. They have four other bumps on a log.

What do you call four supervisors who refuse to supervise? What do you call supervisors who let an unelected official, Jan Mittermeier, run the show? Could it be that we have four supervisors who want the glory of elected office but fear the consequences of making decisions?

Every Orange County citizen who cares about the county should be outraged at the way Supervisors Silva, Steiner, Wilson and Smith have turned over their duties to unelected Mittermeier.


Every citizen should support Spitzer, who has shown that he’s not afraid to challenge the mumbling machine that the Board of Supervisors has become.


Costa Mesa
