
Police Defend Boy’s Arrest for Sidewalk Marks

<i> From Associated Press</i>

Police and school officials are defending their actions in connection with the arrest of a 9-year-old who is charged with defacing property by writing his name in fresh cement.

Jeremy Anderson was arrested at his elementary school Jan. 28 and taken to juvenile hall, where he was strip-searched. He has pleaded not guilty to a felony charge and is scheduled to appear in court April 21.

His mother, Barbara Anderson, 34, has been involved in a national media blitz, criticizing the handling of the case. She spent Thursday in New York City appearing on various shows.


The incident began in November when Jeremy scrawled his name numerous times in wet cement along a 330-foot section of freshly poured sidewalk.

Richard Plaster, president of Plaster Development, said the company sought restitution from the mother for about $11,000 in damages, but failed to reach an agreement. The company then filed a police report on the vandalism, and Jeremy was identified as the culprit.

Anderson expressed shock when her son was arrested but police say she was notified of an investigation Dec. 9. Las Vegas Metro Police Capt. Charles Davidaitis said police went to the Anderson home and left a notification card on the door.


Sgt. Will Minor said police tried repeatedly to contact the child’s mother on the day of the arrest.

Clark County School District spokesman Ray Willis said officials also called the numbers left by the mother several times.
