
Drug Court May Use Grant for Housing

Ventura County court officials are requesting permission to spend a $78,296 federal grant on housing assistance for participants in a special drug court program.

In the 2-year-old program, a person charged with being under the influence of an illegal drug is immediately signed up for treatment rather than being sentenced to jail, officials said.

As part of the treatment, drug offenders receive career and job counseling, meet regularly with a probation officer and are frequently tested for drug use, said Vince Ordonez, an officer of the county courts system. The program is intended to keep addicts, who have no history of violent behavior, off drugs and out of jail, he said.


Ordonez said his office will ask the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday to approve the expenditure of the grant money to house those participating in the drug court program while they receive treatment.

He said the money would mainly be used to pay for a participant’s first month’s rent in housing provided by various community groups and nonprofit organizations.

People placed in such housing would be responsible for paying their own rent for the remainder of their stay, which would be for a minimum of 90 days, Ordonez said.


To date, 182 people have been enrolled in the drug court program, and 38 have successfully completed treatment, he said.
