
Home Work

Sure, all you need is a table, some outlets and a couple file cabinets to furnish a home office. But why toil in ho-hum surroundings when you can zip along in high style?

Sauder ready-to-assemble furnishings can transform a home office or space into a work of art.

“Rather than stick a computer hutch in the far corner, make your office desk and computer stand a focal point of the room,” says Mike Short, design director for Sauder. “Arrange companion office pieces, like file cabinets and bookcases, so they are convenient, not hidden away in a back room.


“It’s not about sacrificing style but about thinking of style as one basic design component, along with function and comfort.”

Sauder makes its ready-to-assemble furnishings in styles and colors for nearly every decor--ranging from traditional to Mission to contemporary.

The Milan collection, one of Sauder’s newest in the past year, has clean, lean lines, and the black matte finish lends a dramatic flair.


And all this flair won’t have you moonlighting for extra cash.

The peninsula, computer bridge and drawer stack are available for about $330, the desk with hutch for about $320--bringing the cost for the entire suite to about $650.

To find the nearest dealer, call (800) 523-3987.

Farm Out

Your littlest critters will go wild for Barn Dance tableware, the latest pattern by Lynn Chase Designs.

The bold primary colors and playful farm animals make it something even Old McDonald would be proud to use on his table.


The set ($79), made of porcelain, consists of a child’s plate, weighted bowl and mug. It is packaged in a reusable, barn-shaped box, and each piece has a barnyard ditty written by Chase, a noted painter and sculptor, on the backstamp.

Also available are a piggy bank ($40, 4 inches by 4 inches), a dinner plate ($38) and an adult’s coffee mug ($25).

Barn Dance will be stepping into stores this month. Call (800) 228-9909 for more information and the nearest retailer.

Cover Up

Give stains the slip with Sure Fit’s newest one-piece slipcover pattern.

Juliet, a romantic damask, is dark enough to hide old, garish upholstery, in addition to everyday dirt and stains.

Despite its deep color, Juliet appears elegant and will not fade after repeated washings.

Juliet slipcovers are available throughout the county in three sizes--chair ($89), love seat ($119) and sofa ($149).

For more information, call (888) 754-7166.
