
Students Offered a ‘Bridge’ to Film Industry

Santa Monica College is launching a “summer bridge” program that will give 40 high school students the chance to learn about computer animation, CD-ROM development and theme park design, among other subjects, in a six-week program taught by college faculty.

The free, college credit course will offer students a chance to develop portfolios for jobs in the entertainment industry and give them a head start on gaining acceptance to the college’s new Academy of Entertainment and Technology, opening this fall.

Nine local high schools have nominated 90 students to participate in the program. In May, the college will select the 40 who will start the course in July.


“If you look at what the academy and most businesses are doing, they’re very interested in seeing profiles,” said Winniphred Stone, associate dean of business and technology.

“A high school transcript says quite a bit, but it doesn’t really demonstrate talents such as art, graphics and computer wizardry. After this comprehensive course, the students will begin the development of a portfolio.”

The program is being funded by a $159,000 grant from the California Community Colleges chancellor’s office.


If it’s a success, college officials said they will consider expanding the program to include summer bridge courses in health, public health and biotechnology.

The entertainment industry program will include field trips to film and television studios such as Universal Studios, Stone said.

“This won’t be students having a day of fun on the Jurassic Park ride,” she said. “They’ll be going inside and looking at the technology and mechanics behind the rides and how they work.”
