
Plan to Review School Leader Draws Fire

An Inglewood School Board decision to bring in a legal consultant to evaluate Supt. McKinley Nash’s performance is stirring up tension in the troubled district.

Board Vice President Larry Aubry and member Dexter Henderson called for the evaluation, which was discussed during a closed-door hearing prior to Wednesday’s 3-2 vote.

Nash, whose contract does not expire until next year, is due for an evaluation in May. Board members would not comment on why they wanted a review of Nash, but the district has been grappling with numerous problems over the last two years.


A trial is now underway for an adult school principal, charged with embezzling $27,000 for use as a down payment on a home. And a custodial supervisor is facing trial on charges of stealing more than $440,000 from the district.

Nash’s supporters and opponents turned out at Wednesday’s school board meeting. Members of the Inglewood Ministers Assn. said they were concerned that the board was interfering with Nash’s ability to do his job and urged the board to support the superintendent and his efforts.

Union officials, who represent nonteaching staff, blamed the superintendent for dividing district employees and complained about the school board’s continued division over such issues as salaries and nepotism.


“Stop fighting,” pleaded union spokesman Christopher Graeber. “We are taking the brunt of all this.”

Nash said he is unclear why the board requested an evaluation.

“It is my intent to continue with the objectives I laid out when I came here: To improve academics, create a safe environment and expose all the wrongs,” Nash said.
