
Mountain Lions in the Suburbs

Re “Lions Pose Dilemma for Game Wardens,” March 3:

I am a law enforcement officer and my brother is the resident warden of the Fish and Game Northern Los Angeles area. I was shocked when I read that veterinarian Gary Kuehn called the Fish and Game wardens “trigger happy” when they were forced to destroy a mountain lion. What was Kuehn going to do with an animal that is capable of eating children?

I am an animal lover myself; however, I have noticed several mountain lions in broad daylight near the new homes in Santa Clarita. The lions are flourishing with the expanding city. They have plenty of pets to eat, as well as pet food that homeowners leave out. These animals are no longer afraid of humans. There are simply too many lions in an area where humans choose to live. For the safety of the children that play in this safe neighborhood, occasionally a lion will have to be destroyed.



It is disgusting but not surprising that the Department of Fish and Game has misled the public again with assurances that tranquilized mountain lions were being relocated in the wild, only to be killed out of camera range and public view.


This is the same agency that killed more than 500 Venice ducks who, as it turned out, never were diseased.


