
Design Work Begins on Downtown Plaza

Designs for an outdoor plaza next to the Fullerton Museum Center are being drawn up as part of a plan to attract more people to the city’s historic downtown district.

City Council members, acting in their capacity as Redevelopment Agency directors, hired Urban Design Group of San Juan Capistrano this week to start working on the design that will guide development of the plaza.

City officials said the objective is to create an outdoor public space that could accommodate community events such as the annual “First Night Fullerton” and the weekly open air market. The area, between Pomona Avenue and Harbor Boulevard on the north side of Wilshire Avenue, could attract more pedestrians and business, officials said.


The museum already is seeking to open a children’s museum on vacant Redevelopment Agency property on the southwest corner of Pomona and Wilshire avenues.

Cost of the plaza design is $39,850.

Councilwoman Jan M. Flory called the future plaza an outdoor family room: “It’s open space that will generate more people to the downtown area.”
