
Hermosa Beach Food Fair Celebrates Pier Avenue Renovation

The $1.6-million lower Pier Avenue renovation project in Hermosa Beach is on schedule, and city officials said they expect the beachside street to reopen as an outdoor plaza by the beginning of summer.

The concrete foundation has been poured and the red granite trim is expected to be laid later this week. Renovation of the sidewalks that front the two blocks of shops and restaurants will be the next phase.

When the project is completed, work on a new parking structure is scheduled to begin.

Closing the street has severely cut into revenues at several restaurants and businesses that have remained open during the long-anticipated construction project.


On Saturday, the city has scheduled “Taste of Hermosa,” a food fair at the pier, which is scheduled for renovations within the year, in an attempt to bring restaurants and residents together and boost morale during the last stretch of the renovation.

“It’s going to be incredible when its all finished,” said Brian Beckman, general manager of Hennessey’s Tavern. “We all stand to benefit from it.”

The Taste of Hermosa is scheduled for Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
