
Candidates Sought for Grand Jury

Service-minded Ventura County residents with an interest in the justice system are encouraged to apply for the 1997-98 grand jury through April 4.

Charged with hearing indictment proceedings for the district attorney’s office, the grand jury also investigates various departments and districts of city and county government, participates in fiscal or management audits and prepares reports on such matters.

To be considered for nomination to the grand jury, a candidate must be a United States citizen; at least 18 years old; of ordinary intelligence, sound judgment and good character; a resident of Ventura County for at least one year; and never convicted of a felony or malfeasance in office.


Service on the grand jury lasts for one year, between July 1 and June 30, 1998. Grand jurors usually serve 32 to 40 hours a week. They are paid a stipend of $20 per day and 31 cents per mile.

For information or an application, contact Ventura County Jury Services at 654-5025 during regular business hours.
