
Parks Chief Asked to Alter Incentive Plan

Saying that an incentive program may be unfairly distributed among employees, the City Council asked Parks and Facilities Supt. Michael Henderson to revamp the department’s Shared Savings Plan.

After presenting a report on the plan, which has allotted more than $39,000 to seven Oxnard parks department employees, Henderson said Tuesday night that he would fine-tune the program to ensure that all 18 full-time employees in the department were being treated fairly.

Another concern raised by the report is that Henderson is a member of the Shared Savings Committee--from which he received a bonus of $6,256--and he is in charge of inspecting parks for deficiencies.


Henderson was told to bring a revised plan before the council at its retreat scheduled in April.

John Zaragoza was the only council member who opposed the Shared Savings Plan in general. He noted that most other departments put savings back into the general fund, rather than distributing them as bonuses to a few employees.

“In other departments, those savings are passed on to the residents,” Zaragoza said. “I believe that it is not equitable to the city’s employees or the city’s residents.”


Although the other council members agreed that it needed some changes, they stood behind the program, saying it was a good way to reward city employees who have been asked to do more with less money and staff.

“I think the plan has worked,” said Councilman Dean Maulhardt. “[But] the tweaking of it is probably necessary. I would encourage [Henderson] to look at it and bring back further enhancements.”
