
Women’s History

Earl Ofari Hutchinson was certainly right in saying that black history is virtually unknown (“Black History Is American History,” Commentary, Feb. 24). I am strongly in favor of a high school graduation requirement of a semester each of black history and American women’s history.

Women of all races make up more than half the population of our country. They are making astonishing leaps in education and status, and should be able to look back with respect and pride on their own great heroes.

All Americans would profit from learning of the accomplishments of both blacks and women. While white males continue to hang on to their traditional power, women and blacks still cater to it. It amazes me to see how many conservative women columnists (and talk show hosts) still line up staunchly against their own sex. I’m glad Hutchinson speaks up for blacks. I wish a lot more women would do the same for themselves.



Santa Barbara
