
Blocked Streets for Marathon

My wife and I live in the fringe of the Hancock Park area. It seems that the planners of the AIDS walk, the Los Angeles Marathon and just about every other event can’t imagine any other part of this huge city to stage these events than all around our neighborhood. Every year we’re subjected to blocked streets in every direction. We’re virtual captives in our own house, unable to reach church, grocery stores or anything else without driving endless miles downtown only to get on packed freeways with other disgruntled citizens forced to try to find a way to get where they want to go.

Given the size of this city, wouldn’t it be possible to route one of these events around downtown, around UCLA, along main streets on both sides of the Santa Monica Freeway, where there are ready overpasses for traffic to get through and around? Where is the creative imagination of our city leaders?

In the future, I am certain I speak for all of the residents of the mid-Wilshire, Hancock Park and Hollywood areas, when I say please, at least let us know what routes are closed and what routes are open. Please let it be known to the powers that be, that we would like to see some variety of locations for these events!



Los Angeles
