
Raising Funds to Run for Office

Sorry. I cannot quite seem to get as worked up about President Clinton’s “B&B;” as William Raspberry does (Commentary, Feb. 27). What is it that rankles him so much? That the last election cycle cost more than $1.5 billion? No. That despite laws that were supposedly designed to stem the flow of money into the political process, “soft money” contributions are legal and acceptable? No.

That the American political process, like any other worthwhile endeavor (private, commercial or otherwise) in this country obeys the old “Golden Rule”--”Whoever has the gold makes the rules”? No.

It is the president’s participation in the fund-raising game! President Clinton is the “bearer of the bad news.” He is the mirror put in front of our faces to show us what has been common knowledge the world over, to anyone who cared to observe, i.e., our political system has been corrupted by money.


Do we have the will to overhaul this system or are we just talking from both sides of our mouths?


Los Angeles

I am unsure why large political donors getting to sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom or have coffee with the president has attracted so much attention. Isn’t that the whole purpose of large political donations? To get a perk, a favor, a photo opportunity, a vote or a night in the White House, governor’s house, mayor’s house, etc.?

I fail to see the difference between making a large donation and getting to sit at a dinner table with (fill in politician of choice) and making a large donation and sleeping in the Lincoln Bedroom.


I’d rather see a politician allowing big donors access to a place of status such as sharing a meal or sleeping in a special bedroom than having a politician allow big donors to write bills, bypass laws, sway votes, etc.


Huntington Beach

Why do we need campaign finance reform to create new laws when the existing laws are not being obeyed? There is no culpability with the present administration even though the president is exposed making false denials.

Were it not for the fact that Clinton cannot be depended on to tell the truth, he would most likely go down in history as the best president money could buy.




The first family ought to live in Blair House, and the White House be treated as a national museum, available for affairs of state such as state dinners but not used for any personal matters whatsoever.

While the president has done nothing illegal, according to his representations, I now comprehend where the attribution of “Slick Willie” came from; he would be wise to do some soul-searching, late in the game, so to speak.


