
Interchange Dedicated to Slain CHP Officer

The California Highway Patrol honored one of its own Monday at a dedication ceremony designating the interchange of the 101, 134 and 170 freeways as the Bruce T. Hinman Memorial Interchange.

Hinman was critically injured on Sept. 26, 1994, when a drunk driver missed an offramp and slammed into a stalled car that he was assisting.

The motorcycle officer slipped into a coma and died one week later.

State Department of Transportation officials, CHP officers and family members gathered for Monday’s brief tribute and to view recently installed signs at the intersection.


The highway signs, posted on the Hollywood Freeway, are the result of a resolution passed in August by the Legislature.

The signs are the second memorial to the slain motorcycle officer, who was an eight-year veteran of the West Valley CHP station.

Last fall, fellow CHP officers dedicated a concrete bench inset with a marble plaque etched with Hinman’s name and placed it outside the station in Woodland Hills.
