
Junk Food Junket: The trip to Washington,...

Junk Food Junket: The trip to Washington, D.C., was also a trip down memory lane for newly elected Rep. James Rogan (R-Glendale). Rogan made the 2,717-mile journey in a moving van with a childhood chum--someone Rogan once ditched on a similar cross-country trip years ago. (B17) . . . Rogan’s buddy managed to get back at the health-conscious congressman by stocking the van with nothing but junk food.

New Name: The interchange of the 101, 134 and 170 freeways is no longer just an anonymous tangle of ramps. The California Highway Patrol has designated the ramps as the Bruce T. Hinman Memorial Interchange. The dedication will be Monday morning. Hinman, a CHP officer, was killed by a drunk driver while helping stranded motorists in 1995.

No Show: LAPD officers and guests including Mayor Richard Riordan and City Atty. James Hahn cooled their heels Saturday afternoon while waiting for Police Chief Willie L. Williams, above, to show up for a memorial service for slain Neighborhood Watch captain Pedro Banegas at Napa Street Elementary School in Northridge. Then word came: The chief had car trouble and couldn’t make it. Sniffed one top official: “Boy, he has 2,000 cars to use. What’s the problem?”


The Aftermath: By the time of Friday’s bloody gunfight in North Hollywood, life was almost back to normal at the Northridge bar that was robbed Tuesday night, leading to the shooting deaths of three bandits by a special LAPD unit. Scott Harris, B1
