
‘Pistol-Packing Grandmas’ Herd Out Intruders

<i> From Associated Press</i>

Four intruders forced their way into the home of 75-year-old Dorothy Cunningham and 61-year-old Marty Killinger late one night, struggling with the women and demanding their car keys.

They didn’t realize they were dealing with the “pistol-packing grandmas.”

“I was raised in the Tetons, and whenever I wasn’t herding sheep or cattle or working in the fields, I’d take a .22 rifle and target shoot,” Cunningham said. “I’m not afraid of guns, and I know how to use them.”

A 20-year-old and three teenagers were arrested on suspicion of burglary and attempted robbery.


Cunningham and Killinger got some official attention of their own.

“Henceforth, Dorothy Cunningham and Marty Killinger will be known as the Pistol-Packing Grandmas,” Grant County Sheriff Bill Wiester said during a recent ceremony at the county courthouse. “This is a clear message to criminals that senior citizens won’t tolerate this type of behavior from these young punks.”

Cunningham said someone knocked on their door the night of Feb. 11, asking to use the telephone.

When she unlocked the door, a man pushed his way in and began demanding the keys to Killinger’s car.


“I picked up the phone and realized the lines were cut, then I knew this was serious,” Killinger said.

While Killinger argued and struggled with one of the intruders in the living room, Cunningham got her Luger from her bedroom and ordered the young men to head for the hills.

“I said some strong words to them that I don’t usually use,” she said. “I told them to get out or I’d shoot and kill them.”


The young men ran outside but continued taunting the two women--until Cunningham fired four shots over their heads.
