
Don’t Split Up Library System

* Any restructuring of library services in Ventura County should include keeping the system whole to preserve specialized services that a fragmented system might not be able to maintain, such as adult literacy programs and special collections. This restructuring should also make the system accountable to the public it is supposed to serve. Finally, the restructuring should make all operations and finances visible without disappearing into the larger bureaucracy.

The proposal to turn library operations over to a joint-powers agreement (JPA) does not address even one of these points. Cities can too easily withdraw from a JPA, creating the very fragmentation that should be avoided; residents of surrounding unincorporated areas could then find themselves without any library services at all.

Neither county supervisors nor city council members can be held accountable by the voters for library operations. At election time, voters will judge these officials by other issues than library services; a JPA board would be even more removed from accountability. The flow of funds through county and city treasuries and the use of municipal support services would leave the true costs and operations of library services very cloudy.


The solution is to form an independent special district for library services, with its own elected board and with the revenues of the existing Library Services Agency going into its own treasury. A special district to operate libraries would prevent fragmentation. Both incorporated and unincorporated areas would be fairly represented in voting for board members, who would be held accountable only for library services. Neither the county nor cities would be involved in operational or fiscal issues.

Factions have already formed, each distrustful of the other’s ability to handle library services efficiently, effectively and fairly. Placing these services into an independent special district whose sole purpose is library services might heal the political rifts that will otherwise injure Ventura County.

David E. Ross

Oak Park
