
Twisting Definition of Volunteer Work

* The meaning of the word “volunteer” seems to have changed in the past few years. There was a time when our nation was known for the number, caliber and dedication of its volunteers.

It now seems that in many cases the “volunteer” expects some sort of reimbursement for services. The recent revelation of how many of our committee and commission members receive remuneration astonished me. Recently the county’s Area Housing Authority was taken to task for payments for baby-sitting to the spouse of a member.

Our local school board has discussed requiring volunteer service in order to graduate from high school. Somehow requiring a service does not quite make it a volunteer activity. The theory in this case seemed to be that the students would learn to be volunteers if it were required.


One can hear members of a city council explain that their family time is affected by their council duties and thus they justify a particular stipend. They will never convince some of us that they were drafted, rather than volunteered for the position, and the taxpayer is thus responsible.

Next time someone tells you that they are volunteering for a project or position, make sure they are truly a volunteer before you laud them too much.


