
Bruins’ Bandwagon Is Bigger Than Pauley

I don’t know what gamesmanship Pete Dalis is trying to pull off, but there is no way the “record” attendance at Pauley Pavilion these last two games is true. When I was a student in 1977-81, I remember distinctly being crowded on the floor behind the east basket for two Notre Dame games for additional seating. This was back in the days when we were guaranteed a free Big Mac with almost every game score going over 100 points, and not an empty seat could be found in the house.

Let’s not resort to USC-style tactics. Come on, Pete, a few more press passes? We can do better than that.




To all the Trojan basketball fans who have been whining in this column about poor coverage by The Times, congratulations! The coverage of the game against UCLA made the front page.



Alta Loma


Tim Kawakami writes that UCLA basketball player Charles O’Bannon has “shed his inconsistent ways and laissez-faire attitude.”

According to my ancient American College Dictionary, “laissez faire” is “the theory or system of government that upholds the autonomous character of the economic order, meaning that government should intervene as little as possible in the direction of economic affairs.”

Frankly, I’m happy that O’Bannon has abandoned his pursuit of economic order and is concentrating on playing basketball.




Editor’s note: The first definition of “laissez faire” in Webster’s New World Dictionary, Third College Edition: the policy or practice of letting people act without interference or direction.


Hooray for Steve Lavin. Now, the real question remains, who will be the next Sam Gilbert?


Los Alamitos


I am usually your biggest critic concerning the lack of college coverage in sports. However, I wanted to compliment you on the extensive coverage of the USC-UCLA basketball game.

The Southern California area loves the true rivalry between these universities. We are more interested in their activities than reading about pro teams from the East.



Manhattan Beach


Several weeks ago I wrote a couple of verses depicting the chaos that had descended on the Bruin basketball program as a result of “the Harrick affair.” It appears my obituary may have been a bit premature. Once again, to the tune of “If I Only Had a Brain”:

After Kansas we were manic,

And in a state of panic,

We gave up on our dream.

We were lower than a doormat,

Now we’re in a Final Four-mat,

Now that Lavin runs the team.

Harrick’s gone and Lavin’s shining,

There will be no more whining,

‘bout Dalis and his schemes.

We have made it through the blizzard,

Have we found a junior Wizard,

Now that Lavin runs the team.


