
City May Hire More Permanent Employees

Several positions that were included in last year’s city budget may finally be filled. The City Council on Tuesday will consider making permanent hires for jobs now being done by employees under contract with outside firms.

The positions include an assistant city clerk and records manager, assistant city engineer, civic engineering associate, accountant, human services specialist and Community Development Block Grant manager.

Though Lake Forest reduces its budget by contracting for many services, such as police and fire protection, a recent analysis shows that money could be saved in some areas by making permanent hires.


“We looked at whether it was possible to bring these jobs in-house and reduce our costs,” said Mark Pullone, assistant city manager. “In each one of these cases, we’re getting more hours of service at a lesser cost.”

Funding for the positions under consideration was included in the budget for fiscal year 1996-97, but hiring was delayed because the city had just brought in a new city manager, Pullone said.

The council will meet at 7 p.m. at 23161 Lake Center Drive. Information: (714) 461-3400.
