
City Council Decides to Hold Invocations Before Meetings

Following the lead of officials in a number of other Orange County cities, the City Council this week agreed to hold invocations before its bimonthly meetings, beginning March 11.

The invocations, which will follow the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of each council meeting, will respect but not infringe on residents’ various religious beliefs, city leaders said.

“I want it to be a moment of reflection,” Mayor Christina L. Shea said. “I don’t want somebody to come in and preach.”


Councilman Greg Smith said: “I respect very much the separation of church and state, but in any major religion that I’m aware of, your faith carries you through the day.”

During public discussion of the issue at Tuesday’s council meeting, only one resident spoke against the proposal.

“We are bringing religion into City Hall. It does not belong here,” said Hanna Hill, an Irvine resident for four years. “We should have it in our homes, we should have in our house of worship, but don’t force on us a one-size-fits-all invocation.”


Councilman Mike Ward responded that invocations would promote unity among residents because religious leaders from many different beliefs would be called on to lead them.
