
A Good Call : Boy Who Saved Mother’s Life by Dialing 911 Is Honored


Dozens of students at Hueneme Elementary School packed into the campus auditorium Thursday morning to congratulate 5-year-old Alan Benavidez and watch police officials shower him with praise, awards and even hugs for going above and beyond the call.

While Alan would have rather been horsing around with friends than in the spotlight, the shy, reticent youngster, who stands barely 4 feet tall, received rounds of applause from schoolmates, pats on the back from teachers and police and appreciative embraces from both his mother, Heidi Benavidez, and Port Hueneme Police Chief John Hopkins.

Alan was recognized as a hero for dialing paramedics when his mother lost consciousness one night three months ago.


“We are all so proud of him,” said Principal Carol Flores. “If it wasn’t for Alan, his mother might not be with us today.”

Alan’s 24-year-old mother slipped into unconsciousness Dec. 2 after suffering a severe seizure. Alan, realizing that his mother was in danger, called 911 and calmly told authorities what had happened and where the family lived. When paramedics arrived, Alan opened the door and showed them to his mother.

“He was amazingly calm,” said Sgt. Jerry Beck of the Port Hueneme Police Department. “He did a fantastic job and probably saved his mom’s life.”


Alan was presented with an engraved plaque and a certificate of heroism from the Police Department for doing the right thing and assuming more responsibility than anyone would expect of a 5-year-old.

“He’s definitely my hero,” said his mother. “If it wasn’t for him, who knows what would have happened?”

Benavidez, who suffers from a medical condition that makes her prone to seizures, said she taught Alan what to do in case she ever became unconscious.


On that particular night, Benavidez said she could feel a seizure coming on at about 11 p.m., so she went to her son’s bedroom and woke him up.

“He got down from his bunk bed and called 911,” she said. “I was amazed at how calm he was.”

Benavidez, who said she had accidentally been prescribed the wrong medication, spent nine days in the hospital after suffering a grand mal seizure, which, if left untreated, could have led to her death.

Despite all the adoration, Alan remained modest when asked if he was pleased to have been able to help his mom.

“Yeah, I’m happy,” he said softly.
