
Training and Development Group Names New Officers

The Los Padres chapter of the American Society for Training and Development has elected its 1997 board.

Elected as president was Phyllis Sigerist of PS Consulting. Co-vice presidents for memberships are Lynda Thomas of Technicolor and Laura Jansma of Jansma & Associates.

Also elected were Ron Culverson of Plan Member Services Corp. as vice president of finance; Robin Klima and Denyse Maillet of City National Bank as co-vice presidents of administration; Julie Streets and Pati Burgess of JP Training and Development Associates as co-vice presidents of programs; Claudia Bruemmer and Pat Ehret, both self-employed, as co-vice presidents of communications; and John Henshaw of Southern California Gas Co. and J.K. Rugh of Jafra Cosmetics International as co-vice presidents of public relations.
