
School Crowding Will Be Discussed

Two legislative proposals to help ease school overcrowding will be discussed tonight at Aliso Niguel High School.

James A. Fleming, superintendent of Capistrano Unified School District, will lead the discussion, which will focus on legislative proposals that aim to help facilitate funding and construction of local schools. Discussions will center on Senate Bill 15 and Assembly Bill 55.

The Senate bill, if passed, would provide for a general statewide election to be held in June 1997. This would significantly speed up the placing of a school facilities bond measure before the voters.


The Assembly bill would make it easier to pass a local bond measure by changing the vote requirement to a simple majority rather than the current two-thirds majority.

The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in the Aliso Niguel High theater, at 28000 Terrace View Road. Information: (714) 489-7000.
