
Traveler’s Notes . . .

The vintage “Skunk Train,” which offers full-day excursions out of Fort Bragg along the Noyo River in Mendocino County, resumed service this weekend after being shut down since Jan 1 due to storm damage on the route. For reservations, call California Western Railroad at (707) 964-6371. . . . The annual Mardi Gras parade in Sydney, Australia, billed as the world’s largest nighttime parade, begins at dusk March 1 at the city’s Hyde Park. Viewing is free. The event concludes an annual, monthlong gay-and-lesbian-themed celebration. Information: (847) 296-4900. We knew you’d want to know: London’s Tower Thistle Hotel won the “Best Hotel Loo” award for 1996-97 from the British Tourist Authority. The nine-year-old contest judges public lavatories on attractiveness and maintenance.
