
Universal Studios Tour

backdoor v. lead VIPs directly into attractions, bypassing lines. rel. stay-with n. employee-escorted VIP visit.


cinetragic n. alternate pronunciation of “The World of Cinemagic.”


fire pit n. “Backdraft” ride. rel. J.P. abbr. “Jurassic Park” ride.


look-alikes n. employees impersonating Marilyn Monroe, Betty Boop, Lucille Ball, etc.


protein spill n. vomit, found near the park’s more tumultuous rides. “Hey, can you get rid of that protein spill by J.P.?”


stall n. informative chat given to visitors while waiting for tram traffic to subside. “The fire pit was so backed up I had to do a five-minute stall.”



train fault n. failure of subway train in the “Earthquake” attraction to hurtle toward tram and/or crack in half.


tram transfer king/queen n. tour guides who have transferred the most passengers from broken-down to working trams.
