
81 Coyote Sightings . . . and Counting

If you see a coyote within the city limits, please call the hotline.

Mayor Barry L. Denes issued that plea at a City Council meeting, saying officials are trying to gather data about the wild animals some residents suspect of killing household pets.

Resident James Hasdon set up the hotline in his home and is tabulating the calls, Denes said. “I hope people in the city will hear about the hotline and use it,” he said.

Hasdon, in a report to the City Council, said that 81 coyote sightings have been phoned in since Nov. 10. Each sighting is marked on his map with a red pin.


However, some coyote supporters have criticized the system. Faye Schultz of Orange County People for Animals told officials that the hotline may give the city a distorted view.

She said a single visit by one coyote might result in several calls and thus several markings on the map.

Denes defended the hotline as being a no-cost way for the council to keep track of the coyote problem. “We’re going to have take some action, in an intelligent manner, sooner or later,” he said.


The coyote hotline: (714) 639-1161.
