
Electric Fireplaces Offer a Comfortable Realism


QUESTION: I recently saw a low-cost electric fireplace with very realistic-looking flames. I would like to install one in my bedroom and one in my living room. Are they also efficient and effective heaters?

ANSWER: Using new high-tech electric logs, fireplace-heaters create very realistic looking embers and flickering flames. With finely finished real wood, stone, marble, etc., fireplace surrounds, they are very attractive. Corner and wall units are available with built-in bookcases and shelves.

At a recent remodelers’ show in Indianapolis, I had to look twice at one model to determine if the logs and brilliant flames were real or not. By switching the heater portion off, you can relax by the fire year-round without driving up your air-conditioning cost in the summer.


Many electric fireplaces have adjustable flames and even produce a crackling sound just like real burning logs. By turning a dial, one can change the flames from lazy and relaxing to raging and dancing.

Electric units are available two ways--complete fireplace-mantel assemblies or just electric logs for an existing fireplace. Either way, you just slide them out of the box and plug them in. Many of the complete fireplace assemblies are light enough to easily move from room to room.

Electric fireplaces are 100% efficient. Since there is no flue, no heat is lost or indoor drafts created. The heat output is adjustable up to about 1,500 watts with built-in thermostats and adjustable blowers.


Several methods are used to create the realistic flames. One method uses a combination of mirrors, small fan, lights, ribbons and a special screen in the back of the fireplace.

The small quiet fan makes the ribbons dance over the red, amber and orange lights. This creates a flickering flame image that appears to be coming off the logs. The intensity of the flames is controlled by adjusting the speed of the ribbon blower and the brightness of the lights.

Another design uses a rotating silver foil disc between the colored lights and the real wood logs. In addition to creating the flickering image, the rotating foil hits a special plastic piece to produce a crackling sound.


Another unique heater option is a new combination ceiling fan-ceramic heater. The heater is built into the light fixture beneath the ceiling fan for excellent hot air distribution. These can be purchased as complete fan-heater assemblies or heater-light kits to mount under any ceiling fan.

Write for Update Bulletin No. 989 showing a buyer’s guide of electric fireplace and ceiling fan-heater kits listing fireplace styles, finishes, sizes, log designs, adjustable flames, heat outputs, features and prices.

Please include $2 and a business-size self-addressed, stamped envelope and mail to James Dulley, Los Angeles Times, 6906 Royalgreen Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45244. To rush bulletin delivery, e-mail:


Letters and questions to Dulley, a Cincinnati-based engineering consultant, may be sent to James Dulley, Los Angeles Times, 6906 Royalgreen Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45244. To read 150 previous columns, e-mail Dulley at
