
Homeless Deserve Enlightened Help

“Charity and Compromise” (editorial, Jan. 28) truly presents an enlightened, but still appalling, picture of the selfishness in our society.

I commend Rev. Wiley S. Drake for his plans to provide shelter to the homeless, but am saddened by the obstacles he must overcome in order to provide a place to sleep for those less fortunate than ourselves.

The Planning Commission’s proposed ban on proselytizing those receiving shelter is very disheartening. If the First Southern Baptist Church is willing to provide shelter to the homeless it should also be able to take that as an opportunity to share Christ with those desperate souls.


Also, although the neighbors may have a valid concern with the effects a shelter may have on their property value, it sounds as though it is another case of Not in My Backyard.

I am reminded of Charles Dickens’ infamous character Scrooge, and therefore feel that we as a society must dig deep within ourselves to lay aside some of our less important and selfish concerns in order to heighten the quality of life for our fellow man.

The homeless problem in our communities is something some feel is best if left alone and invisible. To the contrary, it is a problem that unless helped will only become worse.



