
Abusive Panhandlers

* Re “Legislating the Behavior of Beggars,” Feb. 4, and “Ban Proposed on ‘Abusive’ Panhandling,” Jan. 29.

In regard to the recent proposal to cite panhandlers who touch, follow, swear or threaten people: Since when did the panhandlers have all the rights? As a woman I personally feel intimidated by some of the aggressive techniques employed by these individuals. And if an establishment has too many panhandlers outside over a consistent period of time, I do not continue to do business there.

I am not unsympathetic to the plight of homeless people. I do give when the situation appears genuine, but many panhandlers appear to have made this a way of life and act as though they are entitled to a handout. This proposed law would place restrictions on the behavior of those who aggressively pursue handouts. It would improve the safety on our streets.


Mayor Richard Riordan and Councilman Joel Wachs are on the right track with this proposal; a safer city will mean a more livable environment for all of us.


Sherman Oaks

Maloney is director of the Sherman Oaks Homeowners Assn. and vice president of the Ventura Boulevard Specific Plan Review Board.
