
Recreation Program Fee Hikes on Agenda

Officials will seek public comment tonight on a proposal to raise fees for the city-run day camp, youth flag football, aquatics, junior lifeguard and surfing programs.

The increases would bring the city in line with what other agencies charge for similar instruction and to generate more revenue to allow individual programs to be self-supporting, officials said. Most fees for city recreation programs have not been raised in more than five years, despite increased costs for staff salaries, facility maintenance and equipment.

“We need to charge more,” recreation supervisor Carol Gibson said. “We’ve been waiting a long time to put up our fees.”


The Recreation Department proposes raising resident rates by $5 to $10 a program. Nonresidents would pay $5 to $15 more.

The day camp fee, now $61 for 35 hours a week and $79 for 55 hours, would rise to a flat fee of $80 a week for residents. A $2 flat fee would be charged to residents participating in the aquatics program.

Youth flag football fees for residents would rise to $35, an increase of $10. The cost to residents for the youth lifeguard program would be $95, a $5 increase. Surfing classes would remain at $55 for residents but would rise to $60 for nonresidents.


All of the increases have already been approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission. If passed by the City Council, the new rates would take effect Feb. 15.

The meeting is at 7 p.m. in City Council chambers, 100 Avenida Presidio.

Information: (714) 361-8200.
