
City Revising Permit Process

City planners are revising zoning codes to make it easier for residents and businesses to get building permits for projects that now require special approval.

The aim is to streamline the process for simple requests that are not allowed in the codes but probably would be granted an exception by the city Planning Commission.

Under the proposed system, a City Hall staffer would be able to issue a building permit if the request were reasonable and met certain criteria.


“What we are trying to do is be as user-friendly as possible,” said Gabriele Elliott, assistant city planner.

A Planning Commission study group went over the proposal--part of a complete revamping of zoning codes--Monday night, Elliott said. The full commission is expected to review the changes in late March. Public hearings also are planned.

The public may review the new zoning codes from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at City Hall, 77 Fair Drive, in the Planning Division.


Information: (714) 754-5245.
