
Demonstrators Protest Coverage of Voting Probe

Worried about a backlash against immigrant voters, several hundred Latino activists demonstrated outside The Times’ offices in Los Angeles and Costa Mesa on Saturday to protest coverage of alleged voter fraud in Orange County.

Picketers organized by Hermandad Mexicana Nacional, a Latino rights group at the center of the ongoing controversy, waved American flags and carried placards that read “Yellow Journalism” and “Deport the L.A. Times” as they called for a boycott of the newspaper.

The Times first reported in December that 19 people in Orange County voted last fall even though they had not yet completed the naturalization process. All but one were taking citizenship classes with Hermandad, and the disclosures have fueled accusations of voter fraud in the narrow victory of Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-Garden Grove) over Robert K. Dornan in Orange County’s 46th District. The investigation has since expanded.


The Times has defended the fairness and accuracy of its coverage, saying that the stories addressed an important political issue that was worthy of public attention.
