
Chamber Orchestra Musicians to Perform

The annual Pierce College Faculty Composers’ Concert, scheduled for Saturday, will feature guest musicians from a local chamber orchestra as well as the best faculty productions of the year.

The free concert, which marks the first time some of the pieces are heard, will begin at 8 p.m. in the Performing Arts Building, 6201 Winnetka Ave.

The faculty performers will be Lionel Greenberg, David Pinto, Daniel Robbins and Rowan Taylor.


Robbins will play piano in “Duo for Flute and Piano” and Pinto will perform a piano solo, “Variations on Themes of Harold Arlen.” Members of the West Valley Chamber Orchestra will perform Taylor’s “Passacaglia in the Form of a Palindrome” and other selections.

For information, call the music department at (818) 719-6476.
