
Conn’s Transfer

Saturday morning and I’m reading “A Promising Life Lost” (Voices, Jan. 25) over breakfast. I truly felt that the interviews of those professionals involved with Corie Williams, and unfortunately, so many like her, had a sense of purpose and community.

Next, I read “D.A. Transfers Menendez Prosecutor,” on David Conn’s transfer to Norwalk. How is it, that in the face of this epidemic of wanton murder on the streets of Los Angeles, Dist. Atty. Gil Garcetti--an elected official who could not shut the books on what should have been two open-and-shut cases--can sleep at night knowing he has again “defanged” the district attorney’s office?

Williams bleeds to death in a city bus while Conn is sent off to prosecute a fireworks violation? What kind of insensitive, petty, vengeful politician is it that manages our county resources in this manner? Los Angeles desperately needs effective performance from an already overtaxed, understaffed and underbudgeted D.A.’s office.


Does Garcetti not understand that bad management equals outrage? He is the epitome of a spiteful politician who needs to go!


Los Angeles
