
CalComp Technology Losses Mount to $56.6 Million in 1996

CalComp Technology Inc.’s losses widened last year as sales declined, the supplier of computer graphics products reported Wednesday.

The company said it lost $56.6 million, or $1.32 a share, for 1996, which included a one-time $21-million restructuring charge in the fourth quarter for reducing the value of the company’s headquarters and for severance costs associated with the elimination of 285 positions. The company posted a net loss of $10.7 million, or 26 cents a share, for the previous year. Sales declined 16% to $235.9 million from $281.7 million.

The results reflect the combined operations of Summagraphics Corporation and CalComp Inc. in a transaction completed in July.


For the fourth quarter, the company reported a net loss of $23.9 million, or 52 cents a share, contrasted with net income of $1.1 million, or 3 cents a share, for the same quarter last year. Sales were down 10% to $67.5 million from $75.1 million.
