
Poetry, Fiction and Photos Sought by Local Anthologies


When writers get published and receive compensation--or at least the copies in which their work appears--they get desperately needed affirmation. But finding markets can be daunting. Take note of two local publications soliciting works.

Rivertalk, a poetry anthology published by the Ojai Center for the Arts, seeks poetry and photography for the spring 1997 issue.

Editor Joan Raymund is looking for “vivid, contemporary poetry” on any subject matter. Photographers should submit color art for the cover and black and white photographs for inside pages. The deadline is Feb. 15. Contact the editor at 646-7801 for guidelines.


Verve, which publishes poetry and fiction, seeks work expressing the theme “Awakening” for the spring issue. The deadline is March 1.

Verve also sponsors yearly poetry contests. Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope for detailed guidelines to editor Ron Reichick, P.O. Box 3205, Simi Valley 93093.


The Oxnard Friends of the Library and Red Herrings for All Occasions are planning an evening of suspense, intrigue and startling surprises in their presentation of “The Case of Marion, the Licentious Librarian” who has mysteriously expired. The cast includes Oxnard Police Chief Harold Hurtt, library personnel and members of the association.


Who among them committed the sinister deed? The audience will be asked to help solve the crime during benefit performances at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday at the library, 251 South A St.

Tickets are $20 and proceeds will be used to update and enlarge a number of collections and enhance children’s programs. Call 385-7534 or 385-7506.


Gerald Schiller has an intriguing story to tell about getting his mystery, “Deadly Dreams,” published. He will sign at noon Saturday in Mysteries to Die For, 2940 Thousand Oaks Blvd., Thousand Oaks.



The Conejo Valley Genealogical Society’s Computer Interest Group will hear Caroline Wheeler, an instructor at the Family History Center, who will present HotNotes!, an ancestral file program that provides source documentation and eliminates repetition.

The public is invited to join the group at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Conejo Valley Center, 1025 Old Farm Road, Thousand Oaks. Call 495-9659.


Michele Ben-Hur will read at 8 p.m. Tuesday at the Daily Grind, 607 E. Main St., Ventura. Sign in for open readings at 7:30 p.m. Call 641-1679 for details.


The Spirituality and World Religions group will discuss Huston Smith’s “World’s Religions” at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Borders Books, 125 W. Thousand Oaks Blvd., Thousand Oaks.

The latest title to join a growing list of books dealing with the Bible is Tim Callahan’s “Bible Prophecy, Failure or Fulfillment?” The book, which questions biblical prophecy, has just been released by Millennium Press, a new publisher in Altadena.


Discover the secrets of a happy marriage at 7 p.m. Wednesday at Borders in Thousand Oaks. Alan Ludington, a family counselor from Santa Barbara, is author of the audiotape series, “I Want to Be Married Happily.” Ludington will present a workshop designed to revitalize flagging relationships.



In Santa Barbara

Local author Richard O’Connor, recently named executive editor at Renaissance Books, will conduct a mini-workshop on promotion and sign his “How to Market You & Your Book” at 3 p.m. Sunday at Earthling Bookshop, 1137 State St.


Frances Halpern and Jon O’Brien are co-hosts of “Beyond Words” at 10 a.m. Sundays on KCLU 88.3 FM, Ventura County’s National Public Radio station.
