
City May Amend Plan for Ahmanson Ranch

Calabasas officials are expected to approve a soon-to-be proposed amendment to the Ahmanson Ranch Specific Plan that would place road improvements generated by the project in the hands of the city, but require that they be paid for by the developer.

At its Wednesday night meeting, the Calabasas City Council will consider a motion not to oppose an amendment the developers are expected to present as early as this week to Ventura County, which approved the original specific plan.

Under the plan amendment, the city would be responsible for contracting approximately $1.3 million in road repairs made necessary by the development and the developer would pay 100% of the costs, said Mary Trigg, spokeswoman for Ahmanson Ranch.


“We believe it’s consistent with the [Specific Plan] agreement and it provides flexibility for Calabasas,” Trigg said. “We’ve been in discussions with Calabasas and we feel everybody wins this way.”

Calabasas City Manager Charles Cate said the council will likely approve the proposed amendment because it gives the city flexibility and control over when and how the improvements are to be done.

But even if the council agrees to the plan amendment proposal, the city’s basic opposition to the more than 3,000-home community north of Calabasas would not change, he added.


“We’re still opposed to the project, but if the project still goes forward, we’d rather take their money this way,” Cate said.

The council will hear the proposal at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at City Hall council chambers, 26135 Mureau Road, Calabasas.
