
Use of School Grant for Repairs Sought

Hoping to fix leaky roofs and faulty plumbing at the city’s aging schools, the acting superintendent will ask the school board tonight to spend a state grant worth more than $96,000 for maintenance work throughout the district.

“We need the money for a range of maintenance projects at the school sites,” acting Supt. Cheryl Baughn said Monday.

Projects would include roof repairs at Top of the World Elementary School, plumbing improvements at El Morro Elementary School and resurfacing the blacktop at Thurston Middle School, she said. Remaining grant funds could be used for other projects throughout the financially strapped district, including repairing water damage at the newly refurbished theater at Laguna Beach High School.


The school board sought community input earlier this month on how to spend the one-time grant revenue. Several people spoke in favor of using the money for maintenance.

The funds can be used only for instructional materials, education technology, library resources or maintenance.

Tonight’s meeting, which begins at 7:30 p.m., will be held at district headquarters at 550 Blumont Street.


Information: (714) 497-7700, Ext. 202.
