
Boys & Girls Clubs to Honor Supporters

The Boys & Girls clubs of Santa Paula and Fillmore-Piru will hold a combined banquet Friday to install new members and honor community members and groups that have supported the two organizations.

The two clubs will honor more than a dozen people and organizations.

Honored for their support of the Santa Paula club are Henry and June Rushing, members of a pioneer Santa Paula family; the Santa Paula Kiwanis and Optimist clubs, Limoneira Co., Citizens State Bank and Wood-Claeyssens Foundation in Carpinteria.

The foundation, the city of Fillmore and Santa Clara Valley Disposal Co. will be honored for their support of the Fillmore-Piru club. So will several people instrumental in founding the club three years ago: Ken Creason, Lupe Medrano and Max Pina.


Each club will also install half a dozen officers, including Mike Kelley, president of the Santa Paula group, and Bob Klittich, his Fillmore-Piru counterpart.

Featured speakers are Aracely and Elsa Romo, members of the Santa Paula club, and Allison Greenwood, the Fillmore-Piru club’s 1995 Youth of the Year.

The 6:30 p.m. event is scheduled for Logsdon Restaurant at Santa Paula Airport. Tickets are $25. For reservations, call 525-7910.


More than 1,200 youths in the three Santa Clara Valley communities use the two clubs’ facilities.
