
Clifton’s Cafeteria

Re “Clifton’s Serves as a Haven From a Harried World,” Jan. 18: I’m happy to see that Clifton’s Cafeteria has served the people of Los Angeles for so long. On June 2, 1942, I entered the Air Corps. I put my 1939 Oldsmobile on blocks, got on the street car on Venice Boulevard and rode to the induction center on Broadway, near 6th Street.

At lunchtime, I was issued a chit, which entitled me to lunch at Clifton’s Cafeteria. The chit was for one entree, one vegetable, one desert, milk and bread! I returned to the induction center where I was given shots, my Army serial number, signed up for GI insurance and put on a Red Car, and then I spent a week at Fort MacArthur in San Pedro for basic training. I remember riding on the Red Car with me was the actor, Ralph Meeker.

Four and a half years later it was back to Los Angeles--and another meal at Clifton’s Cafeteria!



