
Remote Island, But Prices Within Reach

Izon is a Toronto-based freelance writer

Even though there are no official youth hostels in Fiji, the New Zealand Youth Hostel Assn. tries to steer budget travelers toward suitable facilities by searching out appropriate places and recommending them as “associate hostels.” There are six locations they have chosen for 1997, and a few of them are being featured on a new site on the World Wide Web.

Fiji’s 322 islands are scattered over about 800,000 square miles of ocean about 3,200 miles southwest of Hawaii and 2,000 miles northeast of Sydney, Australia.

It’s a land of blue lagoons and beautiful beaches. Although there was a time the people had a reputation for fierceness--when Capt. William Bligh traveled through the area during the Bounty mutiny in 1789, the islands were known as the Cannibal Islands--today the people are known for their easygoing friendliness and exotic traditions.


International flights land near Nadi on Viti Levu, the largest island. All the recommended associate hostels are on this island.

Club Fiji Resort, which is located on half a mile of beach on the shore of Nadi Bay, is an associate hostel, but it’s not just for budget travelers. Most of the lodging is in bures (traditional thatched huts with bathrooms, refrigerators and double beds) for $39 to $50 per night. For budget travelers they have added a dormitory bure with two 6-bedded rooms, where you can stay for $7.10 per night.

The resort offers a swimming pool, restaurant, bar and free windsurfing and paddleboards. Water-skiing, sailing, snorkeling, golf and horseback riding can also be arranged. Travel author David Stanley describes the location as “lovely--the equivalent of the Sheraton at a fifth of the price and without the stuffy up-market atmosphere.”


If you pre-book a bed through an affiliated hostelling association, you can get a free ride from the airport. Contact the resort at P.O. Box 9619, Nadi Airport; telephone 011-679-700-622, fax 011-679- 702-324.

The following associate hostels are featured on an Internet Web site located at https://www.Fiji4 At the site you can find photographs, details on rates and facilities, and links for making reservations. You can also e-mail any of the following hostels at [email protected].

The Cathay Hotel is near the heart of Lautoka, the second-largest city in the country and a transit point for those traveling Yasawa Island. For budget travelers, the hotel offers dormitory rooms with up to eight beds for $5.75 per person, per night. Double/twin rooms with air-conditioning and private washrooms are $29.50. There is a swimming pool, lounge, bar and inexpensive meals available. Contact the hotel at P.O. Box 239, Lautoka; tel. 011-679-660-566, fax 011-679-660-136.


The Saweni Beach Apartment Hotel is on the best white sand beach in the Nadi/Lautoka area, two miles from the main highway. There are no organized activities, but there is a swimming pool, a swimming lagoon and a barbecue area. Budget travelers can stay in the annex, which has four two-bedded rooms and a shared kitchen. Beds are available for $6, or you can set up your own tent and camp for $3.25. Contact the hotel at P.O. Box 239, Lautoka; tel. 011-679-661-777, fax 011-679- 660-136.

The Tubakula Beach Bungalows and Beach Club is on the Coral Coast near the seaside community of Korotogo. The resort includes eight three-bedded dormitory rooms where you can stay for $9 per night. There is a swimming pool, lounge, a travelers’ information board and you can book local tours. Contact the club at P.O. Box 2, Sigatoka; tel. 011-679-500-097, fax 011-679-500-201.

The South Seas Private Hotel is at 6 Williamson Road in Suva, the capital of Fiji. It’s a historic wooden building, with solar water heating. Dormitory rooms have up to five beds, which are available for $5.75 a night. Double/twin rooms are $13.30 per night. Contact the hotel at P.O. Box 2086, Government Buildings, Suva; tel. 011-679- 312-296, or fax 011-679-340-236.

The Travel Inn is at 19 Gorrie St. in Suva. If offers self-contained budget apartments with three beds for $26 or single rooms with a shared bathroom for $10.80. Contact the inn at P.O. Box 2086, Government Buildings, Suva; tel. 011-679-304-254, fax 011- 679-340-236.

Travelers planning more than a quick stopover would be wise to invest in a detailed guidebook before leaving home. The most comprehensive and current guide available is the fourth edition of “Fiji Islands Handbook,” by David Stanley (Moon Travel Handbooks, $13.95), which was published in February 1996. You’ll find more than 40 maps, in-depth information on the culture, history, flora and fauna, details on sporting activities from sea kayaking to diving, and candid reviews of accommodations.

You can also find information on budget accommodations, plus details on surfing and diving opportunities, on an Internet site published by guidebook author Robert Kay. It’s located at https://www.aloha .com/~rkay/. His new book, “Hidden Fiji,” will be published by Ulysses Press in March.


General information is available from the Fiji Visitors’ Bureau, Suite 220, 5777 W. Century Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90045; tel. (800) 932-3454.

Izon is a Toronto-based freelance writer. She can be reached at
