
Sheriff’s Captain Arrested on Suspicion of Drunk Driving

<i> From a Times staff writer</i>

A San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department captain was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving after his county-owned unmarked car rear-ended another vehicle on Interstate 15 in the Cajon Pass, authorities said.

Capt. Hugh Gonthier, 54, commander of the Barstow sheriff’s station, was driving in heavy fog and rain when the accident occurred Wednesday night. When a California Highway Patrol officer smelled alcohol on Gonthier’s breath, she administered a field sobriety test, which Gonthier failed, said CHP Sgt. Jeffrey Klug.

Gonthier was cited, released and taken to a CHP office where he was picked up by a sheriff’s sergeant. Gonthier took a blood test, but the results are not available yet, Klug said.


The driver of the other car complained of neck pain and said he would seek his own medical care, Klug added.

The Sheriff’s Department is conducting an administrative investigation, said Sgt. Paul Cappitelli, a sheriff’s spokesman.

Gonthier is on a previously scheduled vacation, said Cappitelli, who would not disclose when the captain is expected back.
