
Ceremony Held for New Footbridge Over Stream

Huddled in groups in a drenching rain, the family and friends of Joel Burchfield gathered in Moorpark on Saturday to celebrate the groundbreaking of a footbridge that could have saved his life.

More than 60 people, including several city and county officials, attended the event. Officials expressed hope that the bridge would prevent future tragedy and said it would be a benefit to the community. On Jan. 31 last year, the 11-year-old drowned after he was swept away by water raging through the rain-swollen Arroyo Simi.

His body was discovered a day later, seven miles downstream from Liberty Bell Road, where it is thought he tried to cross as a shortcut home from school.


Joel’s parents, Dan and Laura Burchfield, thanked neighbors and city officials for their support and action in building the bridge.

Dan Burchfield also read a poem titled “The Bridgebuilder” in memory of his son.

Construction of the 161-foot-long pedestrian bridge is scheduled to begin Monday. The $600,000 structure will connect Arroyo Vista Community Park to the neighborhood directly across the arroyo.

The project, which has spent more than 10 years on the drawing board, was finally approved Jan. 1 after Southern California Edison, which owns the land on the southern end of the Arroyo Simi, agreed to the construction. Edison had planned to develop the property but allowed use of the land after lobbying by the Burchfields and other concerned area residents.


While applauding its construction, some said the bridge has come too late.

“This has been a concern for years,” school board member Greg Barker said. “It’s sad that it took a tragedy like this to finally get it built.”

Despite their loss, the Burchfields took heart Saturday knowing their son didn’t die in vain. His memory is the bridge’s foundation, they said.

“I was always proud of my son, but I’m really proud of him today,” Laura Burchfield said. “He was the one who got us all together to build this bridge so it doesn’t happen to anyone else.”
