
Edward Nave; Cosmetics Supplier for Hollywood

Edward Nave, 88, supplier of cosmetic products to Hollywood for half a century. Nave, in partnership with the late Sig Frends, started Mercury Beauty Supply in 1942. Nave developed the first mobile makeup center, a trailer that he and Frends moved around to locations for films and, later, television shows. They not only supplied makeup and hair care products to studio sound stages and Southern California locations, but also shipped the products to film companies shooting around the world. Among their customers were Lauren Bacall, Angie Dickinson, Ginger Rogers and the casts for such classic films as “Gone With the Wind” and “Singin’ in the Rain.” The company has developed into a multimillion-dollar distributor of makeup and hair care items supplying the entertainment industry, top beauty salons and retail shops. Nave was also active in Jewish charities, including the Hollywood-Los Feliz Jewish Community Center and the Guardians, which raises funds for the Jewish Home for the Aging. On Thursday in Los Angeles.
