
MCA Hearing

* Having just returned from a county Planning Commission public hearing on the proposed MCA expansion (“Studio Expansion Plan Receives Mixed Reviews,” Jan. 22), I can assure you that our government listens to business with a friendly ear and stifles public opposition to the project at every opportunity.

The meeting was to be held at 4 p.m., but at the actual commencement at 4:45 p.m., we were informed that only those in favor of the project would be heard, and that anyone in opposition would have to wait until 6:30 p.m. Every single one of the proponents was allowed to speak, and many spoke well over five minutes. At 6:45 p.m., the chairperson began admonishing each speaker to not be repetitious, a warning not given to those individuals (read: MCA employees) who spoke in favor of the project. After each speaker, members of the panel asked inane, obvious questions, bringing catcalls and laughter from those remaining to voice their protest.

The Planning Commission made it quite clear that input from the people most affected is the last thing they want to hear.



Los Angeles
