
Nature Reserve Seeks Applicants

The Nature Reserve of Orange County is seeking applicants for three positions at large on its board of directors.

The reserve helps oversee 37,000 acres of land throughout central and coastal Orange County. The board supervises fire management, restoration, public access and habitat enhancement.

Full voting privileges are granted to at-large members. There currently are 13 board members, each of whom represents a landowner or public agency, including the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the California Department of Fish and Game, Southern California Edison and UC Irvine.


The reserve wants applicants with experience in environmental issues, business or recreation. A subcommittee will review those who apply and make recommendations to the full board March 14.

Candidates should have an interest in conservation and must live in the county. The two-year terms are unpaid.

The deadline to apply is Jan. 31.

Applications must be sent to the Nature Reserve of Orange County, 300 N. Flower St., Santa Ana, CA 92703.


Information: (714) 834-2552.
