
Recreation Center May Stay Open Off-Season

With attendance at the Sierra Recreation Center exceeding expectations, the City Council on Monday will consider keeping it open another six months.

The city had planned to close the center in January until summer programs begin. However, with about 20 to 30 people using the center daily for recreation classes and tennis, the council will decide whether to spend $44,000 to keep it open.

“The key is to make sure it is being utilized and residents are getting value from keeping it open,” Mayor William S. Craycraft said. “It appears that usage picked up considerably.”


The center had been closed for about two years because of cost-cutting measures. It was reopened on a trial basis last summer.

The center immediately proved to be popular, with about 80 children and adults showing up every day to swim and play tennis.

Under a plan proposed by the recreation department, the tennis courts would remain open and the center unlocked specifically for recreation classes.
